More information - Tribute E. Punset

Act of tribute in memory of Eduard Punset i Casals (1936-2019)

Eduard Punset has been one of the greatest scientific communicators of recent times, and the only one capable of seducing and thrilling us while forcing to reflect on our position in nature and in the universe, or around our relationship with the rest of the species that share the planet with us.

Punset was one of the most important allies of BIOSCICAT to carry the message of nature to the whole society. As a result of this alliance, the documentary "Someretes al Cap" ("Dreaming Someretes"), is currently in production, a cinematographic work that claims the conservation of biodiversity through the magical relationship that Eduard Punset maintained in his childhood with animals and nature, a relationship that definitively changed their way of understanding the world and, through it, that of thousands of people.

From BIOSCICAT we want to celebrate and remember the intellectual heritage and the vital learning that he left us, and specially to thank him that, the last audiovisual project that he carried out in his life, is dedicated to demand the conservation of all forms of life and to promote the love for nature. Therefore, after his death on May 22, SICEF'19 will pay the most sincere tribute to his memory at the hands of [his family] and his team of personal collaborators
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